Planned Giving

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Endowment Gifts

You care about the future of the Jewish people. You want to ensure the Hillel movement continues to achieve opportunities and overcome any challenges we face. And you're looking for ways to make your impact last in perpetuity.

Creating an endowment is a powerful and popular way to provide lasting and reliable support to Jewish students at your alma mater or other institutions you care about.

You enjoy several benefits with an endowment gift

  • Establishing an endowment fund can happen today, and from your estate plan
  • A fund can be named in tribute to you or the important people in your life
  • Your desired impact can be for a specific purpose (scholarships, programs, a specific campus, etc.)
  • The value of a fund grows over time

How an endowment gift works

  1. You make an initial gift to fund an endowment
  2. The proceeds are invested to earn income
  3. The income is distributed annually to achieve your desired impact
  4. Additional gifts from you, your estate, and others can supplement future distributions
  5. You receive updates of the ongoing impact of your endowment through periodic reports and/or other communication.

Income distributed from your endowment

At the time you create your endowment, you sign a gift agreement (prepared by Hillel International) that details the purpose and scope. The endowment will be invested to produce stable, predictable growth. Each year, a percentage of the endowment income will be distributed for the purpose described by the gift agreement.

Contact us

Let's create your strategic plan that makes a lasting impact from generation to generation, l'dor v'dor. Please feel free to contact us to learn more!
