Donor Stories

Meet some of the generous planned giving donors who are making a difference for Jewish college students through Hillel.
Ellen and David GrossmanAs David and his wife, Ellen, were updating their estate planning, they considered which charities they wanted to support. They knew they wanted to fund scholarships for...
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Skip VichnessFor decades, Skip Vichness' philanthropy and leadership has helped young Jewish people around the world better connect to their heritage.
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Howard and Diane WohlDiane and Howard Wohl have included a gift for Hillel International in their will to help foster Hillel's commitment to Jewish college students on more than 850 campuses worldwide.
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Berenice and SolomonBerenice and Solomon have always supported Jewish causes, along with their other passions for the arts, music, children, and feeding those in need. But this year, they decided to focus all of their charitable giving on Jewish causes.
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Nanci and Chuck CooperChance connections at a campus Hillel event have the remarkable ability to change the course of someone's life - and no one knows that better than...
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Louie RabinowitzLouis E. Rabinowitz ("Louie") worked closely with Hillel International to create scholarships that would help future generations of Jewish students attend college, seamlessly incorporating them into his estate plan.