Skip Vichness

For decades, Skip Vichness' philanthropy and leadership has helped young Jewish people around the world better connect to their heritage. As part of this work, Skip included Hillel in his estate plans. "I want to send a message to our growing family that creating a legacy gift through Hillel is important to the future of the Jewish community," he said.
In his previous role as Chair of the Hillel International Board of Directors, Skip had the opportunity to visit more than 60 college campuses and meet with students across the United States. "Hillel is there for every Jewish student," he said. "And their pluralistic approachbeing open to whoever comes through their doorsis most meaningful."
Hillel has supported Jewish students for 100 years. The Vichness family wanted to make sure that Hillel continues to be that special, warm, welcoming place for future generations of Jewish students. To that end, he and his wife are celebrating Hillel's centennial with an estate gift.
"The value of a legacy gift is substantial," Skip said. "I believe in legacy giving, and Hillel's impact on Jewish college students is immeasurable. My family is fulfilled knowing that this gift will support the next generation of Jewish leaders."
Like Skip, you can lead by example and ensure a strong Jewish future. Consider including Hillel in your charitable plans to help inspire every Jewish college student to create a lifelong connection to Jewish life, learning, and Israel.